Frequently Asked Questions |
Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) are tax-advantaged personal savings accounts
that may be established in combination with HSA eligible high-deductible
health plans. HSAs were approved with the passage of the Medicare
Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act of December 31, 2003. |
HSAs are available to all market segments, including individual and
family plans, and small, midsize and large groups. Almost everyone with an
HSA-eligible high-deductible health plan can get an HSA. |
Funds in HSAs may be accumulated over the years and may be distributed
on a tax-free basis to pay for, or reimburse, qualified medical expenses.
The remaining covered medical expenses are then paid as indicated by the
has-eligible high-deductible health plan. |
Clients should be advised to contact their financial or tax advisors for
more detailed information on HSAs, including information about how to
establish a new HSA or how to replace an existing MSA. |
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Individuals or eligible employees can establish an HSA if they: |

are covered by an HSA-eligible
high-deductible health plan on the first day of the month that
they establish the HSA. |

could not be eligible for Medicare
benefits but do not have Medicare coverage |

are not listed as a dependent on another
individual's tax return. |
Individuals or eligible employees cannot establish an HSA if they are
covered by a a health plan that doesn't qualify as an HSA-eligible
high-deductible health plan, except for permitted insurance. |
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Blue Shield has carefully researched and selected Wells Fargo as the
preferred vendor to administer and manage HSAs for our members with HSA-eligible
high-deductible health plans. This also provides you with even more sales
opportunities. HSAs are also available from other financial institutions. |
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To qualify as an HSA-eligible high-deductible health plan a plan must
satisfy certain requirements with respect to deductibles and out-of-pocket
maximums. See the table below for specific requirements. |
or Family |
Deductible |
Out-Of-Pocket Maximum1 |
Individual |
At least $1,000 |
Not to exceed $5,000 |
Family |
At least $2,000 (Deductible applied to the
family as a whole - family must incur covered medical expenses in
excess of $2,000, or minimum family deductible if higher, before
plan benefits are paid to any member of the family) |
Not to exceed $10,000 |
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The Shield Spectrum PPO Savings Plan 2400 for individuals and the Shield
Spectrum PPO Savings Plan 4800 for families are HSA-compatible. |
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No. Health insurance companies provide high-deductible health plans.
HSAs are offered through financial institutions. Consumers who enroll in
an HSA-eligible high-deductible health plan may be eligible to open
an HSA. Clients should consult with a financial advisor to determine if
they meet HSA-eligibility criteria and whether or not an HSA and a
high-deductible health plan is a good fit for them financially. |
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HSAs are open to almost everyone with an HSA-eligible high-deductible
health plan. Eligible and qualified individuals, employees and
employers may contribute to an HSA. In addition, contributions can be made
by others on behalf of the individual covered by the HSA-eligible
high-deductible health plan with the contributions deductible by the
covered individual (May 15, 2004, Treasury Guideline). |
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According to the Treasury/IRS guideline dated May 15, 2004, "Annual
HSA contribution limits in 2004 are the lesser of: |
The amount is also reduced by any contribution to an existing Archer MSA. |
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Yes. Contributions to MSAs and qualified disbursements from existing
accounts are still permitted as long as the member is covered by an
HSA-eligible high-deductible health plan. |
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