The following glossary of
health care terms is provided to help you understand the meaning of this
specialized terminology. These are terms that describe the various
products, contracted providers, organizations and specialized services
that relate to health care. These are general definitions. Some plans or
carriers may define these terms differently or in a special way for
special purposes. Always consult your Evidence of Coverage booklet or
similar document. |
Click on the first letter
of the term you're looking for. |
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on one of the links to the left.
A |
Acupuncture: An alternative health
procedure based on ancient Chinese methods, gaining acceptance in
Western hospitals, involving insertion of thin needles at specific
pressure points in the body.
Adjudication: Determination of the
amount of payment for a claim.
Administrative Costs: The costs
assumed by an insurance company or managed care plan for administrative
services such as claims processing, billing and overhead costs.
Administrative Services Only (ASO):
An arrangement under which an
insurance carrier or an independent
organization will, for a fee,
handle the administration of
claims, benefits and other administrative
functions for a self-insured
group but does not assume any
financial risk for the payment
of benefits.
Agent: An individual licensed by the
State who sells insurance or coverage and provides service to the
policyholder on behalf of the insurer or managed care plan. Could be
sole-proprietor, member of a large firm or employee of the carrier and
is paid a fee/commission by the carrier.
Allergy Treatment: Treatment of
allergy, which may involve allergy testing and physician's services.
Allowable Charge: The maximum fee
that a third party will reimburse a provider for a given service. An
allowable charge may not be the same amount as either a reasonable or
customary charge.
Ambulatory Care or Services: Health
services which are provided on an outpatient basis, in contrast to
services provided in the home or to persons who are inpatients in a
Ambulatory Surgery: Surgical
procedures performed that do not require an overnight hospital stay.
Ancillary Services: Hospital services
other than room and board, and professional services. They may include
X-ray, drug, laboratory or other services.
Appeal(s): An individual's dispute
over the denial of a claim payment or the denial of provision of a
health care service, or a coverage denial based on a contractual
exclusion or limitation.
Authorization: The approval of care,
for hospitalization, outpatient procedure, certain specialty, etc., by a
managed care or insurance company for its member, subscriber, or
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B |
BC Life & Health Insurance Company:
A for profit life and health insurance company, formerly known as
WellPoint Life, affiliated with Blue Cross of California. The company
provides life and disability in California.
Behavioral Health: A Blue Cross of
California mental/nervous and drug/chemical dependency program
established in 1990. It combines a network of contracted providers and
utilization management functions to deliver managed mental health care.
Beneficiary: A person who is eligible
to receive insurance benefits.
Benefit: Payments provided for
covered services under the terms of the policy. The benefits may be paid
to the insured, or on his behalf, to others.
Benefit Agreement: The written
agreement between Blue Cross and a group or individual under which Blue
Cross covers health care expenses, provides or administers health care
benefits, or otherwise pays or arranges for the payment of benefits for
health care services.
Benefit Consultant: An individual or
organization hired by a group planholder to review, analyze, and make
recommendations on benefit strategies, including benefit plan design,
carrier selection, pricing, etc. An insurance professional who provides
information, advice and counseling for their clients.
Benefit Period: The maximum length of
time for which benefits will be paid.
Birthing Center: A facility that
allows mothers to give birth in a home-like setting.
Blue Cross of California: A
healthcare service plan licensed in California, subject to the
jurisdiction of the California Department of Managed Health Care, which
provides a continuum of health care coverage options.
BlueCard Program: A BCBSA program
that links participating health care providers and the independent Blue
Cross and Blue Shield Plans across the country and abroad with a single
electronic process for professional, outpatient and inpatient claims
processing and reimbursement. The program allows members obtaining
health care services while out of town to receive the same benefits of
their Blue Cross plan and access out-of-town providers' savings. In most
cases, providers bill claims directly to their local Plans without
requiring up-front payment from the member.
Board Certified: A term used to
describe a physician who has passed an examination given by a medical
specialty board and who has been certified as a specialist in that
medical area.
Brand Name Drug(s): Those drugs that
are marketed under a specific trade name by a pharmaceutical
manufacturer. In most cases, these drugs are still under patent
protection, meaning the manufacturer is the sole source for the product.
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C |
Calendar Year Deductible: The dollar
amount for covered services that must be paid during the calendar year
(January 1 – December 31) by members before any benefits are paid by
Blue Cross of California.
Case Management: A utilization
management program that assists the patient in determining the most
appropriate and cost effective treatment plan. It is used for patients
who have prolonged, expensive or chronic conditions, helps determine the
treatment location (hospital, other institution or home) and authorizes
payment for such care if it is not covered under the patient's benefit
agreement. The purpose of case management is to provide optimum patient
care in the most cost effective manner.
Centers of Expertise (COE) Network:
The network of health care providers that have entered into contracts
with Blue Cross and/or one or more of its affiliates. These providers
have agreed to participate in a transplant program or other designated
specialty program that is/are to be based upon the member's benefit
Certification: See Pre-Certification.
Chemotherapy: Treatment of malignant
disease by chemical or biological antineoplastic agents.
Chiropractic (Care): An alternative
medicine therapy administered by a provider such as a chiropractor,
osteopath or physical therapist. The provider adjusts the spine and
joints to treat pain and improve general health.
Claim: A request for payment for
benefits received or services rendered. A billing record as generated
and submitted by a provider or subscriber using paper or electronic
Coinsurance: An arrangement under
which the member pays a fixed percentage of the cost of medical care
after the deductible has been paid. For example, an insurance plan might
pay 80% of the allowable charge, with the member responsible for the
remaining 20%, which is then referred to as the coinsurance amount.
Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation
Act of 1985 (COBRA): The federal law that requires employers with
more than 20 employees to extend group health insurance coverage for up
to 36 months after a qualifying event (e.g. termination of employment,
reduction in hours, divorce). The law contains detail provisions
relating, among other things, to an employer's obligation to provide
notice of these rights and the circumstances under which such
continuation may end. Some states, such as California, have similar laws
applicable to employers with more than 20 employees.
Coinsurance: An arrangement under
which the covered person pays a fixed percentage of the cost of medical
care after the deductible has been paid. For example, an insurance plan
might pay 80% of the allowable charge, with the insured individual
responsible for the remaining 20%, which is then referred to as the
coinsurance amount.
Coinsurance Maximum: The total amount
of coinsurance that an individual pays each year before the carrier pays
100% of allowable charges for covered services. Coinsurance amounts
differ with each contract.
Continuation: See COBRA.
Coordination of Benefits: The
anti-duplication provision to limit benefits for multiple group health
insurance in a particular case to 100% of the covered charges and to
designate the order in which the multiple carriers are to pay benefits.
Under a COB provision, one Plan is determined to be primary and its
benefits are applied to the claim. The unpaid balance is usually paid by
the secondary Plan to the limit of its liability.
Copayment or Copay: A type of member
cost sharing that requires a flat amount per unit of service or unit of
time. This is usually a percentage of the charges but may also be a
dollar amount for specified services. The most common percentage
copyament is 20%. A common copay is $5-$15 per visit.
Cost Containment: A set of programs
to reduce use of unnecessary or inappropriate services and to encourage
provision of necessary and appropriate services in a cost-effective
Covered Medical Expense: Those
expenses payable according to the terms of the member contract. The
charges for these services are still subject to any cost sharing
components or limits, such as deductibles, coinsurance, copayments and
maximums, included in the contract
Covered Services: Hospital, medical
and other health care expenses incurred by the covered person that
entitle him/her to benefits under a contract. The term defines the type
and amount of expense, which will be considered in the calculation of
Credentialing: An examination of a
health care provider's credentials and other qualifications to determine
if they should be granted clinical privileges at a health care facility
or with a managed care organization.
Custodial Care: Care provided
primarily to assist a patient in meeting the activities of daily living,
but not care requiring skilled nursing services.
Customary and Reasonable (C&R):
The amount customarily charged for the service by other physicians in
the area (often defined as a specific percentile of all charges in the
community), and the reasonable cost of services for a given patient
after medical review of the case.
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D |
Day Treatment Center: An outpatient
psychiatric facility that is licensed to provide outpatient care and
treatment of mental or nervous disorders or substance abuse under the
supervision of physicians.
Deductible: An amount the covered
person must pay before payments for covered services begin. The
deductible is usually a fixed amount or a percentage determined by the
individual's contract, and is calculated based on the lower
hospital/provider actual charges or payment benefit. For example, an
insurance plan might require the insured to pay the first $250 of
covered expense during a calendar year.
Dental Care: Under a medical plan,
dental care is dental treatment which due to the nature of the procedure
or patient's medical condition, may be provided in a hospital setting.
Dependent: Person, (spouse or child),
other than the subscriber who is covered under the subscriber's benefit
Diagnostic Tests: Tests and
procedures ordered by a physician to determine if the patient has a
certain condition or disease based upon specific signs or symptoms
demonstrated by the patient. Such diagnostic tools include radiology,
ultrasound, nuclear medicine, laboratory, pathology services or tests.
Disease Management Programs (Health
Management Programs): Educational programs designed for
individuals with chronic diseases designed to help maintain high quality
of life and prevent future need for medical resources by using an
integrated, comprehensive approach to health care coordinate with the
individual's physician. Pharmaceutical care, continuous quality
improvement, practice guidelines, and case management all play key roles
in this effort.
Drug (prescription drug): A drug
approved by the State of California Department of Health or the Food and
Drug Administration and which by law may only be sold with a written
prescription of a qualified healthcare provider.
Drug Formulary: A list of preferred
pharmaceutical products that health plans, working with an expert panel
of pharmacists and physicians, have developed to encourage the
dispensing of quality, cost effective medications. Formularies can be
classified as:
1. Open, in which doctors are encouraged
to prescribe medications on the formulary but which allow non-formulary
drugs to be covered without prior authorization;
2. Restricted, in which only medications
on the formulary list are covered;
3. Managed, in which doctors are
encouraged to prescribe medications on the formulary, but non-formulary
drugs are covered with prior authorization.
Durable Medical Equipment: Mechanical
devices, equipment and supplies that enable a person to maintain
functional ability.
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E |
Effective Date: The date on which the
coverage or a change in coverage of a contract goes into effect at 12:01
Emergency: In general, a sudden,
serious, and unexpected acute illness, injury, or condition (including
without limitation sudden and unexpected severe pain) which the member
reasonably perceives could permanently endanger health if medical
treatment is not received immediately. More detailed or slightly
different definitions may apply based on applicable law.
Emergency Care: Care for patients
with severe or life threatening conditions that require immediate
medical attention.
Employee Assistance Program (EAP): A
worksite-based program that is designed to assist in the identification
and resolution of productivity problems associated with personal
concerns of employees. The program provides employees and their
dependents with access to confidential, short-term counseling by
qualified practitioners, in person or over the phone.
Enrollee: An individual who is
enrolled and eligible for coverage under a health plan contract.
Synonymous with member.
Exclusions: Specific conditions or
circumstances that are not covered under the contract.
Experimental: Procedures that are not
recognized under generally accepted medical standards as safe and
effective for treating a particular condition.
Expiration Date: The date coverage
Explanation of Benefits (EOB): A form
sent to the covered person after a claim for payment has been processed
by the carrier that explains the action taken on that claim. This
explanation might include the amount that will be paid, the benefits
available, reasons for denying payment, or the claims appeal process.
Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA):
A federal act, passed in 1974, that established new standards and
reporting/disclosure requirements for employer-funded pension and health
benefit programs.
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F |
Formulary: See Drug Formulary.
Full-Time Employee: An employee who
meets the eligibility requirements for full-time employees as outlined
in the Benefit Agreement.
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G |
Gatekeeper: Term given to a primary
care provider who coordinates all medical care for a patient and
determines whether services such as tests or referral to a specialist
are necessary.
Generic Prescription Drug (generic drug):
Safe, effective and equivalent to brand name medications that may cost
considerably less than the brand name medications. Generic drugs must
meet the same high standards of quality as brand name drugs and are
formulated to have the same effect in the body as the brand name
version. Generic drugs often become available when a brand name drug's
patent expires.
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H |
Health Benefit Plan: A health
insurance product offered by a health plan company that is defined by
the benefit contract and represents a set of covered services and a
provider network.
Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA):
Federal government agency that administers Medicare and Medicaid.
Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPAA): A federal health benefits law passed
in 1996, effective July 1, 1997, which among other things, restricts
pre-existing condition exclusion periods to ensure portability of
health-care coverage between plans, group and individual; requires
guaranteed issue and renewal of insurance coverage; prohibits plans from
charging individuals higher premiums, co-payments, and/or deductibles
based on health status.
Health Maintenance Organization (HMO):
An organization that provides a wide range of comprehensive health care
services for a specified group at a fixed periodic payment; a prepaid
health care plan under which people may enroll by paying a set annual
fee. Members then receive all the medical services they need through a
group of contracting doctors and hospitals, often with no additional
copayments or fees. Members are generally limited to using providers
designated by the HMO.
Hearing Services: Testing and
services related to hearing.
HMO: See Health Maintenance
Home Health Care: Health services
rendered to an individual as needed in the home. Such services are
provided to aged, disabled, sick or convalescent individuals who do not
need institutional care.
Home Infusion Therapy: The
administration of intravenous drug therapy in the home. Home infusion
therapy includes the following services: solutions and pharmaceutical
additives; pharmacy compounding and dispensing services; durable medical
equipment; ancillary medical supplies; and nursing services.
Hospice: A facility or service that
provides care for terminally ill patients and support to their families,
either directly or on a consulting basis with the patient's physician.
Emphasis is on symptom control and support before and after death.
Hospital: An institution whose
primary function is to provide inpatient services, diagnostic and
therapeutic, for a variety of medical conditions, both surgical and
non-surgical. In addition, most hospitals provide some outpatient
services, particularly emergency care.
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I |
ID Card/Identification Card: A card
issued by a carrier to a covered person, which allows the individual to
identify himself or his covered dependents to a provider for health care
services. The card is subsequently used by the provider to determine
benefit levels and to prepare billing statement.
Immunizations: Specific types of
injections to prevent infectious diseases and viral infections.
In-Network: Refers to the use of
providers who participate in the carrier's provider network. Many
benefit plans encourage covered persons to use participating
(in-network) providers to reduce the individual's out of pocket expense.
Indemnity: (1) Benefits paid in a
predetermined amount in the event of a covered loss. (2) A traditional
insurance plan that reimburses for medical services provided to patients
based on bills submitted after the services are rendered. Also known as
Infertility: Term used to describe
the inability to conceive or an inability to carry a pregnancy to a live
birth. Also includes the presence of a condition recognized by a
physician as the cause of infertility.
Infusion Therapy: The administration
of intravenous drug therapy. Infusion therapy includes the following
services: solutions and pharmaceutical additives; pharmacy compounding
and dispensing services; durable medical equipment; ancillary medical
supplies; and nursing services.
Inpatient: Service provided while the
patient is admitted to the hospital for at least a 24-hour period.
Investigative Procedures or Medications:
Those that have progressed to limited use on humans, but which are not
widely accepted as proven and effective within the organized medical
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L |
Lifetime Maximum: Maximum amount the
plan will pay toward a member's coverage in a lifetime. The amount
varies depending on the type of coverage the member carries.
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M |
Managed Care: Any form of health plan
that initiates selective contracting to channel patients to a limited
number of providers and that requires utilization review to control
unnecessary use of health services.
Maternity Care: The care of women
before and during childbirth as well as the care of newborn babies.
Medical Equipment: See Durable
Medical Equipment.
Medically Necessary: Procedures,
supplies equipment or services that are determined to be:
1. Appropriate and necessary for the
diagnosis and treatment of the medical condition;
2. Provided for the diagnosis or direct
care and treatment of the medical condition;
3. Within standards of good medical
practice within the organized medical community;
4. Not primarily for the member's
convenience, or for the convenience of the physician or another
provider; and
5. The most appropriate procedure,
supply, equipment, or service which can be safely provided. The most
appropriate procedure, supply, and equipment or service must satisfy the
following requirements:
a. There must be valid scientific
evidence demonstrating that
the expected health benefits from the procedure, supply, equipment or
service are clinically significant and produce a greater likelihood of
benefit, without a disproportionately greater risk of harm or
complications, for the member and the particular medical condition being
treated than other possible alternatives; and
b. Generally accepted forms of treatment
that are less invasive have been tried and found to be ineffective or
are otherwise unsuitable; and
c. For hospital stays, acute care as an
inpatient is necessary due to the kind of services the member is
receiving and the severity of the condition and safe and adequate care
cannot be received by the member as an outpatient or in a less
intensified medical setting.
Medicare: The federal government's
hospital and medical insurance program for the aged, totally disabled,
and those with end-stage renal disease. There are two parts – A and B.
Part A is the hospital portion and is mandatory for all eligibles. Those
who elect part B coverage, pay an additional premium to the federal
Member: An individual or dependent
who is enrolled in and covered by a health care plan. Also called
enrollee or beneficiary.
Mental Health/Behavioral Health:
Conditions that affect thinking and the ability to figure things out
which affect perceptions, mood and behavior. Such disorders are
recognized primarily by symptoms or signs that appear as distortions of
normal thinking or distortions of the way things are perceived (seeing
or hearing things that are not there). Disorders can also be recognized
by moodiness, sudden or extreme changes in mood, depression, and highly
agitated or unusual behavior.
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N |
National Committee of Quality Assurance (NCQA):
An independent, non-profit organization that accredits managed health
care plans by measuring the quality of care and service provided by
managed care plans such as HMOs. Its standards are intended to help
assure HMO members have the opportunity to receive high quality health
care and excellent service.
Negotiated Rate: The amount
participating providers agree to accept as payment in full for covered
services. It is usually lower than their normal charge. Negotiated rates
are determined by Participating Provider Agreements.
Network: The doctors, clinics,
hospitals and other medical providers that a carrier contracts with to
provide health care to its covered persons. Individuals are generally
limited to network providers for full coverage of their health costs.
Network Provider: See Provider
Non-Participating Provider: A medical
provider who has not contracted with a carrier or health plan to be a
participating provider.
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O |
Occupational Therapy: Treatment to
restore a physically disabled person's ability to perform activities
such as walking, eating, drinking, toiling and bathing.
Open Enrollment: For employers with a
dual or multiple choice of health plans, the annual time period in which
employees can select among the plans offered.
Out-Of-Network: The use of health
care providers who have not contracted with the carrier to provide
services. HMO members are generally not reimbursed if they go
out-of-network except in emergency situations. Covered persons of
preferred provider organizations and HMOs with point-of-service options
may go out-of-network, but must pay additional costs including
deductibles and co-insurance.
Out-of-Pocket Maximum: Refers to the
maximum amount that a covered person will have to pay for expenses
covered under the plan. It is a sum of deductible and coinsurance
Outpatient: A patient who is
receiving ambulatory care at a hospital or other health facility without
being admitted to the facility.
Outpatient Surgery: Surgical
procedures performed that do not require an overnight stay in the
hospital or ambulatory surgery facility. Such surgery can be performed
in the hospital, a surgery center or physician office.
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P |
Partial Day Treatment: A program
offered by appropriately licensed psychiatric facilities that includes
either a day or evening treatment program for mental health or substance
abuse. Such care is an alternative to inpatient treatment.
Participating Hospital: A hospital
that has entered into an agreement with Blue Cross to provide hospital
services as a participating provider. The hospital, by entering into the
agreement, is a participating hospital for all members and covered
Participating Medical Group (PMG) and
Individual Practice Association (IPA): A group of physicians who
have an agreement with Blue Cross to furnish medical services to Blue
Cross HMO members.
Participating Physician: A physician
who has entered into an agreement with Blue Cross to provide medical
services as a participating provider to Blue Cross members.
Participating Provider: A physician,
hospital, pharmacy, laboratory or other appropriately licensed provider
of health care services or supplies, that has entered into an agreement
with a managed care entity to provide such services or supplies to a
patient enrolled in a health benefit plan.
PCP: See Primary Care Physician.
Physical Therapy: Treatment involving
physical movement to relieve pain, restore function and prevent
disability following disease, injury or loss of limb.
Plan Benefit Maximum: Maximum amount
the carrier will pay toward an individual's coverage. The amount varies
depending on the type of coverage the individual carries.
Point-of-Service (POS): An option
provided by some HMOs that allows covered persons to go outside the
plan's provider network for care, but requires they pay higher
cost-sharing than they would for network providers.
Pre-Authorization: A procedure used
to review and assess the medical necessity and appropriateness of
elective hospital admissions and non-emergency outpatient services
before the services are provided.
Pre-Certification: Refers to
certifying the medical necessity and level of care in advance.
Pre-certification does not guarantee that contract benefits will be
Pre-Certification Review: Utilization
management performed prior to a patient's admission, stay, or other
service or course of treatment. Also known as Prior Authorization.
Pre-Existing Condition: A health
condition or medical problem that was diagnosed or treated before
enrollment in a new health plan or insurance policy. Some pre-existing
conditions may be excluded from coverage.
Preferred Provider Organization (PPO):
A delivery system where providers are under contract to a carrier to
provide care at a discount or for a fixed fee, and the health plan
provides incentives to patients to use the contracting providers. The
PPO does not assume insurance risk, and it does not facilitate the
sharing of risk by its covered persons.
Prescription: A written order or
refill notice issued by a licensed medical professional for drugs which
are only available through a pharmacy.
Preventive Care: Proactive health
care designed to keep people from getting sick or hurt. It includes
immunizations and screenings. A key part of preventive medicine is
making sure patients know how to improve their health by altering their
lifestyles. Refers to certifying the medical necessity and level of care
in advance.
Primary Care Physician (PCP): A
doctor designated by an HMO or other managed health care company to be
the first physician a patient contacts for any medical problem. The
doctor acts as the patient's regular physician and as a gatekeeper who
determines if the patient needs to see a specialist or requires
Prior Authorization: The process of
obtaining pre-approval of coverage for a health care service or
Prosthetic Devices: A device that
replaces all or a portion of a part of the human body. These devices are
necessary because a part of the body is permanently damaged, is absent
or is malfunctioning.
Provider: A licensed health care
facility, program, agency or health professional that delivers health
care services.
Provider Network: That set of
providers with which a carrier has contracted to provide services to the
Accountable Health Plan's covered persons. In the case of a
"fee-for-service" or non-network Health Benefit Plan, the
Provider Network will be deemed to be all licensed providers of covered
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R |
Radiation Therapy: Treatment of
disease by x-ray, radium, cobalt or high energy particle sources.
Reasonable and Customary: The amount
customarily charged for the service by other physicians in the area
(often defined as a specific percentile of all charges in the community)
and the reasonable cost of services for a given patient after medical
review of the case. Also known as Usual and Customary (U&C) or
Customary and Reasonable (C&R).
Referral: A recommendation by a
physician or insurer that an individual receive care from a different
doctor or facility.
Respiratory Therapy: Treatment of
illness or disease that is accomplished by introducing dry or moist
gases into the lungs.
Retrospective Review: A review of
claims and medical records for medical necessity and appropriateness
after the episode of care is concluded and before and/or after the claim
is submitted by the provider.
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S |
Second Opinion: The voluntary option
or mandatory requirement to visit another physician or surgeon regarding
diagnosis, course of treatment or having specific types of elective
surgery performed.
Service Area: The geographic area
that an insurer, health plan or health care provider services.
Senior Secure: A Blue Cross HMO plan
operating in a defined geographic area under a Medicare risk contract
with the federal Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA). In
addition to physician care, hospitalization and other benefits covered
by Medicare, the benefits under this plan include prescriptions drugs,
routine physical exams, hearing tests, immunizations, eye examinations,
counseling and health education services.
Skilled Nursing Facility: An
institution (or a distinct part of an institution) that is primarily
engaged in providing skilled nursing care and related services for
patients who require medical care, nursing care or rehabilitation
Speech Therapy: Treatment or the
correction of a speech impairment that resulted from birth, or from
disease, injury or prior medical treatment.
Subscriber: The individual in whose
name a contract is issued or the employee covered under an employer's
group health contract.
Substance Abuse/Chemical Dependency:
Conditions that include, but are not limited to (1) psychoactive
substance induced mental disorders; (2) psychoactive substance use
dependence; and (3) psychoactive substance use abuse. Chemical
dependency does not include addition to or dependency on, tobacco or
food substances (or dependency on items not ingested).
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U |
Urgent Care: The services received
for a sudden, serious, or unexpected illness, injury or condition, other
than one which is life threatening, that requires immediate care for the
relief of severe pain or diagnosis and treatment of such condition.
Utilization Management: (1) A process
that evaluates health care on the basis of appropriateness, necessity
and quality. For hospital review, it can include pre-admission
certification, concurrent review with discharge planning and
retrospective review. (2) One of the six categories of Standards of
Quality used by NCQA, which examines the consistency and the
reasonableness of the determinations of necessary services. Also looks
at how well the plan responds to member and physician appeals.
Utilization Management at WellPoint is comprised of the three following
components: (a) Pre- Hospital Review – For medical, surgical,
obstetrical, mental health and substance abuse admission requests, the
WellPoint companies evaluate whether hospitalization is necessary; the
proposed length of stay ifs appropriate; another form of treatment is
available and appropriate; and/or if diversion to an alternate care
facility is possible. (b) Continued Stay Review – During a hospital
stay, the WellPoint companies continually monitor the patient's progress
through the attending physician to ensure adherence to the treatment
plan. The WellPoint companies review requests for (and authorize, when
appropriate) extended lengths of stay. (c) Alternate Medical Care – In
conjunction with Pre-Hospital Review and Continued stay Review, the
WellPoint companies identify patients for whom early discharge to home
health care is appropriate. The program then controls home health care
utilization through pre-authorization and ongoing evaluation and
monitoring; authorizes services and specific dollar amounts by modality;
works with the hospital discharge planner to develop an appropriate
treatment plan and coordinates the patient's benefits.
Utilization Review: A review process
designed to evaluate the appropriateness of health care services.
Usual, Customary and Reasonable: A
"usual" charge is the amount that is most consistently charged
by an individual physician for a given service. A "customary"
charge is the amount that falls within a specified range of usual
charges for a given service billed by most physicians with similar
training and experience within a given geographic area. A
"reasonable" charge is a charge that meets the Usual and
Customary criteria, or is otherwise reasonable in light of the
complexity of treatment of the particular case. Under a UCR Program, the
payment is the lowest of the actual billed charge, the physician's usual
charge or the area customary charge for any given covered service.
Urgent Care: An unexpected illness or
injury that is not life threatening but requires outpatient medical care
that cannot be postponed. An urgent situation requires prompt medical
attention to avoid complications and unnecessary suffering, such as a
high fever. Examples include skin rashes or ear infections.
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W |
Well Baby/Well Child Care: Routine
care, testing, checkups and immunizations for a generally healthy child
from birth through the age of six.
Wellness Program: A health management
program that incorporates the components of disease prevention, medical
self-care, and health promotion. It utilizes proven health behavior
techniques that focus on preventive illness and disability, which
respond positively to lifestyle related interventions. Programs are
designed to integrate with existing health care benefits; e.g., flex
benefits, HMO, PPO; support the reduction in the demand for health care
resources; and address the issues of dependent coverage and services for
high-risk employees.
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