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Exploring Vision Care


Vision care insurance is insurance that provides coverage for services relating to the care and treatment of the eyes. It typically covers services delivered by an optometrist or opthamologist. Depending on the specific plan, some or all of the following services may be covered:

  • Yearly eye exams
  • Glasses (with an annual limit)
  • Contact lenses and fitting (with an annual limit)
  • Glaucoma screening

Some vision plans may provide more extensive coverage (such as certain eye surgeries), while others may limit coverage to "reasonable and customary" charges incurred during routine eye exams. Reasonable and customary charges generally don't include the cost of glasses and contact lenses. With some employer-sponsored vision plans, coverage may be even more narrowly limited to the medical treatment of certain eye conditions. This is rare, however.

How does it work?
Vision care insurance may provide direct payment to the eye care provider for the services you receive. Or you may be required to cover the charges out-of-pocket at the time of service, and then file a claim for reimbursement. It depends on the specific plan.

Please Note: The information contained in this Web site is provided solely as a source of general information and resource. It is a not a statement of contract and coverage may not apply in all areas or circumstances. For a complete description of coverages, always read the insurance policy, including all endorsements
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